Nov 16 - Notes to Self, Student Exhibition

Notes to Self

Please join us for the opening reception for Notes to Self this Thursday, Nov. 16th, 6:00 - 9:00 pm at Stable Arts DC, 336 Randolph PL NE. Notes to Self, curated by Howard MFA students Miguel Davis Jr. and Kiara Mangum, as part of the Exhibition Practices course. This exhibition features artworks from graduate and undergraduate Howard students.

This exhibition serves as a reflective sanctuary, a space where the complexities of individuality unfold through the pages of personal narratives and introspective artworks. The artists featured in this exhibition delve into the layers of identity with reflections on the past. These artworks reveal where one comes from and how one's identity has been shaped, constructed, or taken on new forms. Inspired by a passion for capturing the intricacies of the human experience, our work has led us to explore visual manifestations of our own identity through varying mediums of photography, video installation, painting, and poetry.

Notes to Self invites viewers to engage in a dialogue with their reflections, to confront the mirrors that define and confound us. The artists act as guides, using their creations to pose questions about heritage, culture, gender, and the fluidity of identity. By turning inward, visitors are encouraged to confront the complexities of selfhood, acknowledging that identity is an ever-evolving process.

