Department of Theatre Arts
The Department is committed to fostering an environment that encourages research and experimentation in performance, thereby pioneering innovative forms of theatre and performance that best enable artists to speak in their own distinctive cultural voice. The B.F.A. programs are professional programs designed for the student interested in seriously pursuing a career in the Performing Arts. These programs focus on a series of application and research-intensive courses leading to the development of a body of techniques that will serve as a foundation for their entry into the field. The program seeks to "ground" the student's "voice" within the tradition of the Diaspora and continue the legacy of our departmental founders.
Lulu Vere Childers Hall (Fine Arts)
Department of Theatre Arts
2455 Sixth Street N.W., Suite 1044
Washington, D.C. 20059
202-806-7050 T
Prudence Watson
Administrative Aide
For Job Openings, candidates should search here
The Department of Theatre Arts offers the following programs for Undergraduate students:
- Acting
- Dance
- Musical Theatre
- Theatre Arts Administration
- Theatre Technology
- Academic Minor for Theatre Arts Majors
- Theatre Arts Minors for Academic Majors
Please see the Department of Theatre Arts Undergraduate Degrees & Programs page for more information.
We depend on the generosity of our audience members, alumni, parents, and other supporters for assistance with our programming and production funds. Your gift will go toward enhancing students’ learning experiences in the performing arts. Whether you would like to contribute directly towards masters classes and workshops, new theatre equipment, a guest artist residency, or underwriting a theatre or dance production, your gifts are essential to our vitality. Your support now is critical to keeping the Department of Theatre Arts in the top tier of colleges and universities offering Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees - your gift represents the Department of Theatre Arts' future.
Donate Today!
Our alumni have a tremendous history in career pathways within and outside of theatre and dance professions. The professional achievement of our former students has paved the way for future alumni to succeed in all aspects of the field. We always welcome our alumni back to campus to engage with our students, attend a performance and discover what is new and what traditions have remained.
Theatre Arts Alumni, please share your latest news and projects with us. Let us know what you are doing and don't forget to update your contact information!
Complete the form here.
Visit our Spotlight Pages!
Alumni Spotlight!
Celebrating the work of our esteemed alumni
Student Spotlight!
Recognizing our hard working student artists
Faculty Spotlight!
Honoring the achievements of our distinguished faculty
Black Stage: Classical Canon
BLACK STAGE will premiere on PBS local affiliate WHUT Wednesday 2/26 at 8pm!
Esteemed artists share insights into the world of theatre with performances from senior acting majors at Howard University's Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts, produced by Shakespeare Theatre Company.
Official website:
For those not in DC, MD, or VA the program will be available on the PBS app, and YouTube. There will be a part II featuring the full monologues as a companion piece that will air and will be posted online as well.