Summer Arts General Policies

Summer Arts at HU Reserves The Right To:

  • Substitute faculty as needed. Students will be notified of long-term faculty changes.
  • Cancel a class at any time for reasonable cause.
  • Deny registration or entry when deemed necessary for public safety.
  • Ask any student to leave if they are disruptive or interferes with the safety of others and to suspend a student from the program, without refund, after notifying parent/guardian of disciplinary problems.
  • Photograph program participants for publicity, educational, or documentary use.
  • Adjust program details as necessary.


Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children are equipped with the following:

  • Weather appropriate clothing
  • Closed-toe shoes with socks
  • Backpack or bag
  • Sunscreen, bug spray and hat for outdoor activities
  • Extra clothing

Also, participants are discouraged to bring gadgets or items which may prevent them or others from participating in the activities. These gadgets and items may include video games, valuable items (jewelry, cash), and certain food items that may require the use of freezer or microwave.


Medical Information/Emergencies:

  • It is the responsibility of participants to consult with a physician regarding their/ their child’s physical condition and ability to participate in this program.
  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to advise the program of any extreme health conditions of a participant (food and/or environmental allergies, Epi-Pen and/or Inhaler usage, etc.).
  • All program participants must complete the Summer Arts Event Release Non Dangerous Activity Form.
  • For emergencies requiring immediate medical attention, staff will call 911 and notify the student’s parents/guardians or emergency contact.


Rules of Conduct Include:

  • No smoking in the building.
  • No soliciting or loitering.
  • No inappropriate or indecent conduct or language.
  • No interference with employee duties.
  • No defacing property.
  • No unauthorized use of illegal drugs, intoxicants and/or weapons.
  • Any other conduct that is disruptive or may jeopardize the safety of others is strictly prohibited.


Parents/Guardians Please Note:

Neither the facility staff nor instructors are responsible for children before or after the scheduled program/class unless otherwise pre-arranged in writing. It is your responsibility to drop off your child at the start of the program and pick up your child up at the end of the program. Should parents be late in picking up their child at the end of the day, the child will be sent to aftercare and an aftercare fee of $20/hour will be assessed. Parents who are late in picking up their child at the end of aftercare will be charged $10 for every fifteen minutes past 5:00 PM.

  • Please ensure that you drop off and pick up your child on time. Early drop-offs and late pick-ups are not allowed. If you require extended care services, please register for Before Care (AM) and/or After Care (PM). 

  • Drop-off: 8:45 am - 9:00 am

  • Pick-up: 3:45 pm - 4:00 pm

  • Before Care (AM) Drop-off: 8:00 am - 9:00 am

  • After Care (PM) Pick-up: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

  • You may drop off and pick up your child at any time within these time periods, but there are no fee differences based on the specific time.

Inclement Weather:

In the case of inclement weather, outside activities will be moved indoors. However, if there are extended periods of rain or severe weather, activities may need to end early or cancel. Parents/guardians will be contacted via email if the program is closing early. Participants will also be permitted to contact their parents/guardians by phone.

We follow strict attention to the heat index and will bring participants indoors if it is too hot. Our program instructors also provide participants with shaded areas and take frequent water breaks. Program directors and instructors are keenly aware of illness related to heat and will seek immediate medical attention should a participant exhibit any of these symptoms.


Contact Us:

Contact April Carter, Program Administrator at (202) 806-7040.