Hours of Operation

Childers Hall Exterior Doors, Practice Rooms, Theater Spaces, Recital Hall, Classrooms, Etc:

Public Hours/All HU Community 

Monday – Saturday: 7:00AM – 12:00AM

Sunday: 7:00AM – 7:00PM

All major Holidays, Winter and Spring recesses: Closed

Gallery of Art

Monday – Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday, all major Holidays, Winter and Spring recesses: Closed

All hours of operation of the Gallery of Art are subject to change.

**During the summer, it is encouraged to request an appointment for your visit during opening hours to ensure staff availability and avoid renovation or other scheduling conflicts. Please always request an appointment for groups.


All faculty, staff or students will need to submit a written request for special exception access to any of our College of Fine Arts academic buildings outside of the standard hours of operation. Please submit the request to finearts@howard.edu.

Once submitted, the request will be reviewed by the Office of the Dean and respective Department Executive Leadership. Please provide as much information as possible, including who needs access, why access is needed and date(s) and time of access outside of the standard operating schedule. Requests will be processed within 3 business days of receipt. To ensure appropriate turnaround time, please be sure to include all relevant information required.

Thank you,

The Office of the Dean