Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies

Howard University Jazz Ensemble – Tokyo, Japan, 2007

Charlie Young, III, M.M.Coordinator - Instrumental Jazz Studies
Connaitre Miller, M.M.Coordinator - Vocal Jazz Studies
Guericke C. Royal, D.M.A.Coordinator - Technology Electives

Faculty: Reginald Bowens, Cyrus Chestnut, Christie Dashiell, Dr. Sais Kamalidiin, Dr. Guericke Chris Royal, Dr. Damien Sneed

About the Program

Howard University initiated a comprehensive undergraduate Jazz Studies program in 1970, becoming the first historically black institution of higher learning to offer a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. In 1983, the National Association of Schools of Music approved the Master of Music degree in Jazz Studies.

The objective of the Jazz Studies program is to preserve and perpetuate jazz through instruction, performance, and research. Included in the curriculum are improvisation, arranging, composing, history, digital music, and studies relating to the music business.

Jazz Studies majors may add a concentration in Technology Electives, which includes studies in MIDI sequencing, notation software, audio recording, and live sound reinforcement. Students may be admitted to the Technology Electives concentration only after being accepted into the Jazz Studies program through audition.

All students majoring in Jazz Studies minor in an instrument, piano or voice. A successful Qualifying Recital is required in the fourth semester of study and a successful Senior Recital is required for graduation.

Admission Requirements

In order to be considered for admission to the Department of Music undergraduate program, all applicants must (1) apply to the University; and (2) audition and interview with the Department of Music. Please comply with all application and audition requirements:

     Undergraduate Admissions

Jazz Ensembles

     Howard University Jazz Ensemble ("HUJE") - a traditional big band

     Jazztet - an improvisatory small group

     Afro Blue - Howard University's premier vocal jazz ensemble

     HU Jazz Singers - a jazz choir

     SAASy - a select group of jazz vocalists

Course Schemes

Course schemes are designed to help undergraduate students understand graduation requirements, and to assist them in planning their schedules to finish their programs of study in a timely manner.

Students minor in an instrument, piano, or voice. Each minor has a unique course scheme.  Select a minor below to view, download or print its scheme.

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies - Instrument Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies - Piano Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies - Voice Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies with Technology Electives - Instrument Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies with Technology Electives - Piano Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies with Technology Electives - Voice Minor

Course Descriptions


Hugh Masekela

l to r: Special guest artist and friend of the Department of Music, South African trumpeter Hugh Masekela (1939-2018), with Kehembe Eichelberger (Coordinator of Music with Elective Studies in Business), Connaitre Miller (Coordinator of Jazz Voice Studies), Cyrus Chestnut (Master Instructor of Jazz Piano and Improvisation) and Akua Allrich (B.M. '00 Jazz Studies)

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