Bachelor of Music in Music History

Black Composers

Matthew Franke, Ph.D.Coordinator
Faculty: Amyr Joyner, Sais Kamalidiin, Clarke Randolph, Mickey Terry

The Bachelor of Music in Music History program develops overall music scholarship and hones research skills.

Students will not be permitted to elect history as a major until they have completed MUSC-010 and MUSC-011 with grades of B or better. Students who major in the history of music must meet the requirements for a minor in vocal or instrumental performance and must appear creditably on student recitals in this subject. Students must maintain a B average in their major subject. At least two major projects must relate to an aspect of the Black heritage in music.

Senior thesis is required. Candidates for graduation will be required to pass an oral examination before a music faculty committee.

Course Schemes

     Bachelor of Music in Music History - Instrument Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Music History - Piano Minor

     Bachelor of Music in Music History - Voice Minor

Course Descriptions