Course Offerings

Undergraduate and Graduate curricula and course schemes

Undergraduate Course Offerings

General Music Studies

MUSC-100. Introduction to Music. 3 crs. Discover the world of classical music as you learn about music’s basic elements, including melody; harmony; rhythm and form; significant classical composers of Europe and the African diaspora; as well as the representative works that symbolize the various styles and eras.

MUSC-110. Global Popular Music. 3 crs. This course explores popular music in a global context, with a particular emphasis on musical styles from outside the United States and their role in the global music industry. Representative styles (including Afro-pop, reggae, Bollywood, Arabic popular musics, Celtic music, flamenco, J-pop) will be placed in their cultural, historical, and musical contexts. The class will encourage students to think about cross-cultural interactions through concepts such as cultural appropriation, cultural homogenization, and colonialism. Students will also investigate artists’ attempts to interact with musical traditions from around the world and the role that these traditions play in American popular culture.

MUSE-001, 002. Beginning Piano for Non-Music Majors. 1 cr. ea. Scales, chords, transposition, and harmonization for students with minimal background in piano.

MUSO-105. Non-Major Guitar Class. 1 cr. ea. Group instruction for non-music majors in music fundamentals, basic playing techniques, and repertoire of popular and classical music. Prerequisite: Student must supply own guitar.

MUTP-100. Blacks in the Arts. 3 crs. History and aesthetic awareness of the contributions of blacks in art, drama, and music.

Elective Studies in Business

MUSI-001. Seminar in Music Business. 1 cr. Reports and discussions of topics relevant to careers in arts management. Fall/ Spring

MUSI-031, 032. Introduction to Entertainment Law. 3 crs. An introductory course for all artists which explores contracts, torts, agency, labor relations, copyrights and communications. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-033. Entrepreneur in the Entertainment Industry. 3 crs. Course exploring opportunities in the music, media, and communications industries. Spring.

MUTP-209 Mus. Bus Internship. 4 crs. One semester internship with an arts-related organization. Internship must be approved by the Area Coordinator. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-232. Introduction to Entertainment Law (Grad). 3 crs. An introductory course for all artists which explores contracts, torts, agency, labor relations, copyrights and communications.

MUSI 259. Administration of College Jazz Studies (Grad). 3 crs. Course exploring design of higher education jazz studies curricula. Fall/ Spring.

Required Courses available through the Howard University School of Business:

ACCT-201. Accounting Prin. I. 3 crs.

MGMT-301. Management & Org. 3 crs.

MKTG-301. Prin. of Marketing. 3 crs.


The following may be taken as additional Electives but are not required:

INFO-204. Man. Info. Systems. 3 crs.

FINA-311. Finance Principles. 3 crs.

HUCO-101. Principles of Speech. 3 crs.

MKTG-301. Prin. of Marketing. 3 crs.


Required Course available through the Howard University School of Communications:

MJFC-410. Audio Engineering 3 crs.


Elective course that may be taken in place of Marketing:

SLMC-210. Introduction to Strategic Communication 3 crs.

Jazz Studies

MUSH-011, 012. Jazz Improvisation I, II. 2 crs. ea. Techniques of improvisation, melodic and harmonic analysis, analysis of improvisational styles through recorded example, demonstration of improvisational skills through performance, and transcription of recorded solos.

MUSH-016. Jazz Keyboard Harmony. 2 crs. Development of chord reading and jazz harmonic voicing skills at the piano. Fall/Spring. Prereqs: Having passed the Piano Proficiency Exam.

MUSH-021, 022. Jazz Improvisation III, IV. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSH-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUSH-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUSH-031, 032. Jazz Improvisation V, VI. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSH-021,022. Prereqs.: MUSH-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUSH-041, 042. Jazz Improvisation VII, VIII. 2 crs. Ea. Rhythm Section Workshop. Instruction on how to communicate/rehearse/perform effectively with a jazz instrumental combo. Emphasis given on preparation for the senior recital. Prereqs: MUSH 031, 032, or consent of instructor.

MUSH-101. Jazz Theory I. 3 crs. The meaning of melodic and harmonic notation in jazz is explained; also, the underlying structural principles employed in the jazz composition are revealed. Fall semester. Prereq.: MUSB-003, 004.

MUSH-160. Jazz Voice Instruction. 1 cr. Techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. (Music Minors)

MUSH-183. Jazz Arranging I. 3 crs. Exploration and analysis of representative big band jazz arrangements, demonstrating basic techniques of instrumental arranging. Fall semester. Prereq.: MUSH-101, MUSI-102.

MUSI-001. Seminar in Music Business. 1 cr. Reports and discussions of topics relevant to careers in arts management. Fall/ Spring

MUSI-031, 032. Introduction to Entertainment Law. 3 crs. An introductory course for all artists which explores contracts, torts, agency, labor relations, copyrights and communications. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-033. Entrepreneur in the Entertainment Industry. 3 crs. Course exploring opportunities in the music, media, and communications industries. Spring.

MUSI-035. Marketing for the Arts. 3 crs. Exposes students to the fundamental theories, frameworks, and applications of marketing in the fine and performing arts. The class will examine relevant artists, creators, brands, and ventures in relation to the ever-changing landscape of marketing the arts. In addition, this class will include concepts from anthropology, psychology, and sociology related to marketing the arts today. Fall.

MUSI-076. Intro to Music Technology I. 3 crs. Study of concepts in modern electronic music production, including acoustics, power, devices, MIDI, storage, software, and computers. Lab; includes hands-on work with music software. Prereqs.: MUSB-022 and MUSE 012, or with the consent of the instructor. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-077. Intro to Music Technology II. 3 crs. Continuation of MUSI-076. Focus is audio recording and mixing. Lab; hands-on work with music software and hardware and independent study assignments. Prereqs.: MUSI-076. Spring.

MUSI-102. Jazz Theory II. 3 crs. A continuation of MUSH-101. Advanced analysis of jazz standards, instrumental transpositions, and introductory jazz arranging projects. Prereq.: MUSH-101. Spring.

MUSI-109. Jazz Piano Instruction 1 cr. Course for pianists encompassing varied jazz styles and techniques. Music Minor. Audition required.

MUSI-110, 111. Jazz History I, II. 3 crs. ea. (undergraduate). Study of the history, sociology, culture and development of jazz from its African origins to the present and beyond. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-143. Vocal Arranging II, 3 crs. Techniques in arranging for jazz vocal ensembles. Prereqs.: MUSI-160, or the consent of the instructor.

MUSI-159. Independent Study Jazz. 3 crs. Course allowing for directed research in Jazz music. Requires consent of the instructor. Fall/ Spring.

MUSI-160. Vocal Arranging I. 3 crs. Techniques in arranging for vocal solo with rhythm section. Prereqs. MUSI-102, or the consent of the instructor.

MUSI-175 through 182. Drum Set I-VIII. 2 crs. ea. Development of reading skills, jazz drumming techniques, through solo and ensemble playing. Audition required.

MUSI-184. Jazz Arranging II. 3 crs. Continuation of MUSH-183. Creation of several big band jazz arrangements, demonstrating advanced techniques of instrumental arranging. Spring. Prereq.: MUSH-183.

MUSI-190 through 197. Jazz Bass Workshop I-VIII. 2 crs. ea. Exploration of jazz techniques for string bass. Audition required.

MUTW-101-104. Jazz Voice Instruction I – IV. 1 cr. Ea. Techniques of breath management, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. (Music Minors)

MUTW-111, 112. Voice for Jazz Studies I, II. 2 crs ea. Techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. Music Majors only.

MUTW-121, 122. Voice for Jazz Studies III, IV. 2 crs ea. Techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. Music Majors only.

MUTW-131, 132. Voice for Jazz Studies V, VI. 2 crs ea. Techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. Music Majors only.

MUTW-141, 142. Voice for Jazz Studies VII, VIII. 2 crs ea. Techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required. Music Majors only.

MUTX-111, 112. Jazz Piano I, II. 2 crs. ea. Comprehensive course for advanced pianists encompassing varied jazz styles and techniques. Audition required.

MUTX-121, 122. Jazz Piano III, IV. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUT-112 dealing with advanced jazz piano techniques. Prerequisite: MUTX-111, 112.

MUTX-131, 132. Jazz Piano V, VI. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTX-122 dealing with advanced jazz piano techniques. Prerequisite: MUTX-121, 122.

MUTX-141, 142. Jazz Piano VII, VIII. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTX-132 dealing with advanced jazz piano techniques. Prereqs.: MUTX-131, 132.

Music Technology

MUSI-076. Intro to Music Technology I. 3 crs. Study of concepts in 
modern electronic music production, including acoustics, power, devices, MIDI, storage, software, and computers. Lab; includes hands-on work with music software. Prereqs.: MUSB-022 and MUSE 012, or with the consent of the instructor. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-077. Intro to Music Technology II. 3 crs. Continuation of MUSI-076. Focus is audio recording and mixing. Lab; hands-on work with music software and hardware and independent study assignments. Prereqs.: MUSI-076. Spring.

MUSI-159. Independent Study Jazz. 3 crs. Course allowing for directed research in Jazz music and/ or Music Technology. Requires consent of the instructor. Fall/ Spring.

MUSI-376. Music Technology (Grad). 3 crs. Study of concepts in modern electronic music production, including acoustics, power, devices, MIDI, storage, software, and computers. Lab; includes independent study projects using technology. Graduate enrollment and consent of the instructor required. Spring.

(School of Communications)

RTVF-111. Intro to Mass Communications. 3 crs. Fall/ Spring.

RTVF-231. Intro to Media Production. 3 crs. Fall/ Spring.

RTVF-412. Multitrack Recording. 3 crs. Fall/ Spring.

RTVF-433. Audio Practicum. 3 crs. Fall/ Spring.

(Department of Theatre Arts)

THTT-058. Theatre Tech Production I. 3 crs. Fall/ Spring.

Music Education

MUSD-005. Instrumental Survey. 3 crs. Knowledge, care, history and function of band and orchestral instruments. Spring semester only.

MUSD-006. Music Education Guitar Class. 1 cr. Group instruction in basic technique along with an introduction to repertory. Required of all Music Education majors.

MUSD-007. Marching Band Technique. 3 crs. Provides guidelines for administration and supervision; explores a variety of rehearsal and performance techniques for marching band in an educational setting. Spring semester only. **This course is no longer offered**

MUSD-013. Woodwind Instruments I. 1 cr. Class instruction in the basic playing and teaching techniques of flute, clarinet, and saxophone.

MUSD-014. Woodwind Instruments II. 1 cr. Class instruction in the basic playing and teaching of oboe and bassoon techniques. Prerequisite: MUSD-013 or consent of instructor.

MUSD-015. String Instruments I. 1 cr. Class instruction in the basic playing, teaching techniques of the violin and viola.

MUSD-016. String Instruments II. 1 cr. Class instruction in the basic playing, teaching techniques of the violoncello and string bass. Prerequisite: MUSD-015 or consent of instructor.

MUSD-017. Brass Instruments I. 2 crs. Class instruction in the history, function, and basic playing techniques of the instruments in the brass family. Spring semester only.

MUSD-019. Percussion Instruments. 1 cr. Class instruction in the history, function, and basic playing, teaching techniques of the various percussion instruments.

MUSD-021. Instrumental Pedagogy. 3 cr. Instruction in the history, function, and advanced teaching techniques of the various instruments. Must also be enrolled in MUxx Instrumental Major private instruction courses as a BM in Performance major. Prerequisite: at least 4 semesters of major level private instruction.

MUSD-051. Elementary Choral Conducting. 3 crs. Fundamental techniques of choral conducting, basic principles of interpretation and style, and rehearsal techniques. Fall semester only.

MUSD-052. Advanced Choral Conducting. 3 crs. Advanced techniques of choral conducting, style and interpretation, and survey of choral literature and major composers. Prerequisite: MUSD-051 or consent of instructor. Spring semester only.

MUSD-053. Music in the Elementary School. 3 crs. Application of child development principles to music teaching on the elementary level. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Fall semester only.

MUSD-054. Music in the Secondary Schools. 3 crs. Application of adolescent and educational psychology principles to teaching music on the secondary level. Prereqs.: Education 145-005, 145-029; Theory MUSB-116, MUSB-016, MUSB-042; Music Literature MUSC-008; and Music Education MUSD-053 for all except Instrumental Minors. Spring semester only.

MUSD-057. Teaching and Supervision of Instrumental Music. 3 crs. Organization and administration of instrumental music in the schools in addition to laboratory experience with university bands. Prereqs.: MUSD-013, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 054.

MUSD-058. Instrumental Conducting. 3 crs. Chamber, orchestral, and band music, rehearsal techniques, special problems, and literature for secondary schools. Prereqs.: Instrumental Minor and MUSD-051.

MUSD-120, 121. Contemporary Trends in Music Education. 1 cr. Modular courses in current approaches to music, teaching and learning. Required of all Music Education majors.

145-135. Student Teaching. 9 crs. Observation, seminars, and supervised teaching in accredited elementary and secondary schools. Prereqs.: Senior standing, completion of requirements with a cumulative 2.70 average in Music Education and Education and approved application form. **NOW OFFERED THROUGH SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SEED-135*

MUSD-150. Independent Study in Music Education. 3 crs. Individual projects approved by Music Education faculty and an assigned instructor.

Music History, Literature and Materials

MUSC-008. African and Afro-American Music Literature. 3 crs. Explores traditional African music and American music influenced by the African idiom. Prerequisite: MUSC-007.

MUSC-009. Intro to Ethnomusicology. 3 crs. Explores concepts related to the study of ethnomusicology.

MUSC-010. Music History I: Antiquity to 1680. 3 crs. Explores concepts, definitions, musical literature, trends, performance practices, and composers from antiquity to 1680.

MUSC-011. Music History II: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 3 crs. This course focuses on the study of symphony, chamber music, opera, and other forms from 1680 to 1880. It exposes students to core aesthetic concepts and musical repertoire from notated European and North American traditions.

MUSC-012. Music History III: The Twentieth Century. 3 crs. Analyzes styles, composers, and techniques from 1880 to the present.

MUSC-101. Music Literature of the Eighteenth Century. 3 crs. Examines changes from baroque to classical ideals, including the works of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-102. Music Literature of the Nineteenth Century. 3 crs. Study of romanticism, beginning with the mature Beethoven. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-103. The Symphony. 3 crs. Presents the origins and development of the symphony and related forms, including an intensive study of scores. Prerequisite: MUSC-007.

MUSC-104. Chamber Music. 3 crs. Deals with string quartet literature and its antecedents, along with other chamber music forms from Haydn to Bartok. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-105. Choral Music. 3 crs. Treats the emergence and growth of choral music and such related forms as the chanson and madrigal, with emphasis on the Afro-American contribution. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-106. Dramatic Music. 3 crs. Covers such dramatic forms in music as the cantata, passion, oratorio, opera, and musical theater. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-107. Chant to Opera. 3 crs. Covers the development of vocal music in the classical style from its earliest notated forms to the present.

MUSC-125. Introduction to African Music. 3 crs. Presents African life and culture with music as a focal point. No previous music training required.

MUSC-155. Style Criteria. 3 crs. Examines styles, composition techniques, and performance standards of Western music from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-156. Music Literature of the Twentieth Century. 3 crs. Treats techniques and trends from 1900 to the present, with special lectures and demonstrations by Composition faculty members. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-201. Senior Thesis. 1 cr. Research project directed by a member of the faculty. 

MUSC-204. Chamber Music. 3 crs. Deals with string quartet literature and its antecedents, along with other chamber music forms from Haydn to Bartok. (Graduate).

MUSC-207. Individual Research. 3 crs. Directed by a member of the faculty. Students may receive credit for this course twice. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member.

MUSC-221, 222. Vocal Literature. 3 crs. ea. Study of music for solo voice from its beginnings to present, with consideration of literature for the voice teacher. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-307. Individual Research in Music Literature. 3 crs. Directed by a member of the faculty. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member.

Music Theory and Composition

MUSB-001. Fundamentals of Music. 3 cr. Study of notation, simple rhythms, intervals, scales, and dictation of melodies.

MUSB-003 (I), 004 (II). Elementary Ear Training and Sight Singing. 2 crs. ea. Development of music reading skills, with emphasis on melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic dictation, and music literature. Coreq: MUSB-021, 022.

MUSB-011 (I), 012 (II). Advanced Ear Training and Sight Singing. 2 crs. ea. Advanced music reading, emphasizing contemporary literature, and melodic-rhythmic-harmonic dictation. Coreq.: MUSB-041, 042.

MUSB-016/116. Keyboard Harmony. 2 crs. 016: harmonization, transposition, and improvisation at the keyboard; 116: advanced harmonization, and keyboard improvisation and score reading. Prerequisites: MUSB-003 and passing grade on Piano Proficiency Exam (MUSE-051).

MUSB-021 (I), 022 (II). Elementary Harmony, (I, II). 3 crs. ea. Presents basic principles of diatonic harmony through melodic harmonizations, creative writing, and analysis. Coreq.: MUSB-003, 004.

MUSB-041 (I), 042 (II). Advanced Harmony, (I, II). 3 crs. ea. Study of chromatic harmony and melody through harmonization, creative writing, and analysis, along with an introduction to twentieth-century techniques. Prereqs.: MUSB-021, MUSB-022. Coreq.: MUSB-011, 012.

MUSB-043. Counterpoint. 3 crs. Introduction to the study of voice leading via the species approach. Prerequisite: MUSB-042.

MUSB-103. Orchestration. 3 crs. Instrumentation and scoring for large and small ensembles. Prereqs.: MUSB-042, MUSD-013, MUSD-015, MUSM-017, and MUSM-019.

MUSB-104. Advanced Orchestration. 3 crs. Instrumentation and scoring for band and smaller ensembles, including jazz and pop idioms. Prereqs.: MUSB-103.

MUSB-124. Form and Analysis. 3 crs. Composite course in linear, harmonic, and formal analysis. Prerequisite: MUSB-042.

MUSB-125. Analysis. 3 crs. Continuation of MUSB-124 for Composition majors. Prerequisite: MUSB-124 or consent of instructor.

MUSB-151, 152. Composition. 3 crs. ea. Consists of writing in small forms for simple instrumental combinations. Prerequisite: MUSB-042.

MUSB-153, 154. Composition. 3 crs. ea. Continuation and intensification of MUSB-152. Prereqs.: MUSB-151, 152.

MUSB-207. Individual Research. 3 crs. Directed by a member of the faculty. Students may receive credit for this course twice. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member.

Music Therapy

MUSJ-101. Music Therapy I. 3 crs. A study of the history of the profession of Music Therapy, and an examination of the philosophy and principles of Music. Therapy Practice in mental health, hospital, and medical and school delivery system with adults and Children. FALL

MUSJ-102. Music Therapy II. 3 crs. A study of the music therapist in the clinical setting, with an emphasis on the client/therapist relationship. Includes an examination of major theories of psychotherapy and their relationship to music therapy practice. Includes group musical tasks and experimental music to encourage students to begin a personal examination of music and its effect upon their own lives. CLINICAL PRACTICUM IS REQUIRED. Prereqs.: MUSJ-101, MUSJ-105, or permission of instructor. SPRING/FALL

MUSJ-103. Voice Class for Instrumental Majors. 1 cr. Course designed to introduce the fundamentals of vocal song performance to instrumentalists. Includes group singing, folk, and traditional songs.

MUSJ-105. Clinical Orientation. 2 crs. Initial clinical experience involving group participation and observation of methods and techniques employed in therapeutic settings; accompanied by seminar. Prereqs. MUSJ-101, admission to MT degree program, or permission of instructor. SPRING

MUSJ-107, 108. Guitar Techniques for Music Therapy. 2 crs. ea. Advanced guitar instruction and study of repertoire with emphasis on adaptive techniques for special populations. Prereqs. MUSJ-101, 2 semesters of MUSO-100.

MUSJ-110. Methods and Techniques in Music Therapy. 2 crs. Experimental overview of techniques used in musical therapy treatment in group and individual therapy employing vocal and instrumental techniques. CLINICAL PRACTICUM IS REQUIRED. Prereqs. MUSJ-101, admission to MT program or permission of instructor. SPRING

MUSJ-115 Influence of Music on Behavior. 3 crs. An examination of humankind's behavioral, emotional and physical response to music; study of applicable music therapy interventions (GIM, etc.) INCLUDES CLINICAL PRACTICUM. Prereqs.: MUSJ-101, MUSJ-102, MUSJ-105, admission to MT program or permission of instructor. FALL

MUSJ-120 Psychology of Music. 3 crs. A study of the acoustical and psychological aspects of music and related literature. SPRING/FALL

MUSJ-121. Senior Practicum. 2 crs. Clinical experience with emphasis on independent planning for individual and group sessions. Prereqs.: MUSJ-101, MUSJ-102, MUSJ-105, MUSJ-110, MUSJ-115. SPRING

MUSJ-135. Music Therapy Internship. 1 cr. A 6-12 month period of clinical training in a music therapy program (approved by the American Music Therapy Association) under the direct supervision of a music therapist. Prereqs: All music department requirements and all music therapy curriculum courses. SPRING/FALL

Instrumental Studies

String Bass



French Horn
Baritone Horn

Instrument Repair
Piano Technology

Violin Last Updated: 2020-11-24 1:08 PM EST

MUSL-100. Violin Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSL-111, 112. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves, solo repertoire comparable to Kreutzer's 42 Etudes, Sevcik's Opus 9, and concerti by Seitz and Accolay.

MUSL-121, 122. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in scales and arpeggios continued from MUSL-111, 112, and etudes, compositions, concerti, and sonatas. Prereqs.: MUSL-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-131, 132. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-122. Prereqs.: MUSL-MUSP, consent of instructor.

MUSL-141, 142. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-132, including preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSL-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-211, 212. Violin Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, bow technique and suitable studies and compositions from early and contemporary areas.

MUSL-221, 222. Violin Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSL-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-231, 232. Violin Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes techniques, etudes, sonatas, compositions, and concerti. Prereqs.: 221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-241, 242. Violin Major. 3 crs. ea. Consists of technique; review and continuation of previous material; study of etudes, sonatas, and concerti; and preparation of senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS, MUST, or consent of instructor.

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Violincello Last Updated: 2020-11-24 1:10 PM EST

MUSM-100. Violoncello Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music majors. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSM-111, 112. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of all major and minor scales and arpeggios in two octaves with various bowings; studies by Lee, Schroeder, Greutzmacher, and Alexanian; and Hindemith's Three Easy Pieces.

MUSM-121, 122. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSM-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-131, 132. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSM-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-141, 142. Violoncello Minor. 2 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSM-131, 132, along with preparation of senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-211, 212. Violoncello Major. 3 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves; studies by Schroeder, Popper, Dotzauer, and Klengel; and suitable compositions from string literature.

MUSM-221, 222. Violoncello Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-211, 212. Qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-231, 232. Violoncello Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSM-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-241, 242. Violoncello Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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String Bass Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSN-100. String Bass Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSN-111, 112. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Covers Simandle's Book 1; Marcello's Sonata in D Minor; The Progressive Bowing Variations; The Melodious Bass; Bowing Variations; and three Beethoven symphonies.

MUSN-121, 122. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes Bille Nos. 263 and 264, Nanny Vingt Quartre Pieces, and orchestra studies. Prereqs.: MUSN-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-131, 132. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Treats Bille Nos. 262 and 303, Handel's Sonata in G Minor, orchestra studies, and Galliard's Sonata in F Major. Prereqs.: MUSN-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-141, 142. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in Bille No. 303; Nanny's Kreutzer Etudes; Koussevitzky's Chanson Triste and Valse Miniature, orchestra studies, and recital preparation. Prereqs.: MUSN-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-211, 212. String Bass Major. 3

MUSN-221, 222. String Bass Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-211, and 212. Prereqs.: MUSN-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-231, 232. String Bass Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSN-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-241, 242. String Bass Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-231, 232. Prereqs.: MUSN-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Guitar Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSO-100. Guitar Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSO-105. Non-Major Guitar Class. 1 cr. ea. Group instruction for non-music majors in music fundamentals, basic playing techniques, and repertoire of popular and classical music. Prerequisite: Student must supply own guitar.

MUSO-111, 112. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Open position major and minor scales, arpeggi, and chords; slurs and left hand development exercises; etudes and solos in various styles.

MUSO-121, 122. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-111, 112 with moveable altered scales, arpeggi, and chord forms. Prereqs.: MUSO-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-131, 132. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSO-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSO-141, 142. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-131, 132 with preparation for graduating recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-131, 132 or permission of instructor.

MUSO-211, 212. Guitar Major. 3 crs. ea. Scales, arpeggios, and chord forms; slurs and left hand development exercises; etudes and solos in various styles.

MUSO-221, 222. Guitar Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-211, 212 with addition of ensemble works utilizing accompaniment techniques and preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-231, 232. Guitar Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-221, 222 with addition of mixed ensemble works in which guitar is featured. Prereqs.: MUSO-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-241, 242. Guitar Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-231, 232 with addition of a guitar concerto and preparation for the senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-231,

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Flute Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSP-100. Flute Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSP-111, 112. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes all minor and major scales and arpeggios, along with suitable studies and solos.

MUSP-121, 122. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation MUSP-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSP-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-131, 132. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-121, 122, with more advanced studies and solos. Prereqs.: MUSP-121, 122 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-141, 142. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-131, 132, with preparation for graduating recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-131, 132 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-211, 212. Flute Major. 3 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggios, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSP-221, 222. Flute Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-211, 212. Preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-231, 232. Flute Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSP-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-241, 242. Flute Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-231, 232 with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Saxophone Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSQ-100. Saxophone Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSQ-111, 112. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSQ-121, 122. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSQ-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-131, 132. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSQ-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-141, 142. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-211, 212. Saxophone Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSQ-221, 222. Saxophone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-231, 232. Saxophone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSQ-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-241, 242. Saxophone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Trumpet Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSS-100. Trumpet Instruction 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSS-111, 112. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSS-121, 122. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSS-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-131, 132. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSS-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-141, 142. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-211, 212. Trumpet Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSS-221, 222. Trumpet Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSS-231, 232. Trumpet Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSS-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-241, 242. Trumpet Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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French Horn Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUST-100. French Horn Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUST-111, 112. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUST-121, 122. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUST-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUST-131, 132. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSS, 121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUST-141, 142. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUST-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUST-211, 212. French Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUST-221, 222. French Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUST-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUST-231, 232. French Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUST, 221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUST-241, 242. French Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUST-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Trombone Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSU-100. Trombone Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

MUSU-111, 112. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSU-121, 122. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSU-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-131, 132. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSU-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-141, 142. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSU-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-211, 212. Trombone Major. 3 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSU-221, 222. Trombone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-211, 221. Prereqs.: MUSU-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-231, 232. Trombone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSU-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-241, 242. Trombone Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSU-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Tuba Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSV-111, 112. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major.

MUSV-100. Tuba Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSV-121, 122. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSV-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-131, 132. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSV-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-141, 142. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-211, 212. Tuba Major. 3 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSV-221, 222. Tuba Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-231, 232. Tuba Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-221, 222. Prerequisite: MUSV-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-241, 242. Tuba Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Baritone Horn Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

435-100. Baritone Horn Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

435-111, 112. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

435-121, 122. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-111, 112. Prereqs.: 435-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

435-131, 132. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-121, 122. Prereqs.: 435-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

435-141, 142. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: 435-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

435-211, 212. Baritone Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

435-221, 222. Baritone Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: 435-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

435-231, 232. Baritone Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-221, 222. Prereqs.: 435-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

435-241, 242. Baritone Horn Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: 435-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Percussion Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUSW-100. Percussion Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

MUSW-111, 112. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSW-121, 122. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSW-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-131, 132. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSW-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-141, 142. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-151, 152. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-141, 142. Prereqs.: MUSW-141, 142 or consent of instructor.

MUSW-211, 212. Percussion Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSW-221, 222. Percussion Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-231, 232. Percussion Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSW-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-241, 242. Percussion Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Viola Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUTQ-100. Viola Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTQ-111, 112. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Study of scales and arpeggios in two octaves; etudes, sonatas, and concerti; and solo repertoire of the difficulty comparable to Masas' Opus 36 Etudes and Eccles' Sonata in G Minor.

MUTQ-121, 122. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, and development of bow techniques. Prereqs.: MUTQ-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-131, 132. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of technical studies with classical solo compositions. Prereqs.: MUTQ-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-141, 142. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Study of scales and broken chords in three octaves through the seventh position, technical studies, etudes, and preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTQ-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-211, 212. Viola Major. 3 crs. ea. Instruction in technical studies, etudes, sonatas, and solo repertoire.

MUTQ-221, 222. Viola Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes technical studies, scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, and development of bow technique; suitable studies and compositions from early and contemporary eras; and preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTQ-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-231, 232. Viola Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTQ-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTQ-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-241, 242. Viola Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTQ-231, 232. Prereqs.: MUTQ-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Clarinet Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUTS-231, 232. Clarinet Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTS-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTS-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUTS-241, 242. Clarinet Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTS-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTS-231, 232.

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Bassoon Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUTT-100. Bassoon Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTT-111, 112. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTT-121, 122. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTT-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-131, 132. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTT-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-141, 142. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-211, 212. Bassoon Major. 3 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTT-221, 222. Bassoon Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-231, 232. Bassoon Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTT-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-241, 242. Bassoon Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

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Oboe Last Updated: 2020-11-28 10:45 AM EST

MUTU-100. Oboe Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTU-111, 112. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTU-121, 122. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTU-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-131, 132. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTU-121, 122 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-141, 142. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTU-131, 132 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-211, 212. Oboe Major. 3 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggios, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTU-221, 222. Oboe Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTU-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-231, 232. Oboe Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTU-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

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Instrument Repair Last Updated: 2020-11-24 1:08 PM EST

MUSK-011, 012. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Teaches basic skills of instrument repair.

MUSK-021, 022. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUSK-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUSK-031, 032. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUSK-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUSK-041, 042. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUSK-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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Piano Technology Last Updated: 2020-11-24 1:08 PM EST

MUSK-111, 112. Piano Technology: Lecture and Practicum. 1 cr. ea. Analysis of the acoustical construction of the piano and mechanical functions, with concentration on maintenance and repair. Prerequisite: Junior classification.

MUSK-121, 122. Piano Technology: Lecture and Practicum. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-111, 112. Prerequisite: MUSK-112.

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Classical Piano Studies

MUSE-001, 002. Beginning Piano for Non-Music Majors. 1 cr. ea. Scales, chords, transposition, and harmonization for students with minimal background in piano.

MUSE-011, 012. Functional Piano I and II. 1 cr. ea. Scales, chords, transposition, and harmonization for students with minimal background in piano.

MUSE-021, 022. Functional Piano III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSE-011, 012. Preparation for the proficiency examination. Prereqs.: MUSE-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-031, 032. Functional Piano V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSE-021, 022. Preparation for the proficiency examination. Prereqs.: MUSE-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-041, 042, Functional Piano VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSE-031, 032. Preparatioon for the Proficiency Exam. Prereqs. MUSE-031,032, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-051. Piano Proficiency Examination. 0 cr. Required of all UG music majors when piano is not the main performance area. Examination must be passed before Senior status is awarded. MUSE 011- 022 Functional Piano I-IV are recommended before taking the exam.

MUSE-100 and 101. Beginning Piano for Music Theater Majors. 1 cr. ea. Beginning piano classes for Music Theater Majors. Prereq. for MUSE 101 is MUSE 100, or a placement exam.

MUSE 110. Functional Piano I Therapy. 1 cr.

MUSE-111, 112. Piano Minor. 2 crs. ea. Study of the basic principles of piano playing, including scales, arpeggios, easy etudes, Bach and selected Romantic works.

MUSE 120. Functional Piano II Therapy. 1 cr.

MUSE-121, 122. Piano Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes scales, arpeggios (four octaves), Bach short works, sonatinas, and selected Romantic and Modern works. Prereqs.: MUSE-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSE 130. Functional Piano III Therapy. 1 cr.

MUSE-131, 132. Piano Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of technical work with Czerny Opus 299; Bach Two-and Three-Part Inventions, Haydn sonatas, selected Romantic works. Prereqs.: MUSE-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSE 140. Functional Piano IV Therapy. 1 cr.

MUSE-141, 142. Piano Minor. 2 crs. ea. Expansion of technical work, including Bach WTC, sonatas of Mozart and Beethoven, and selected Romantic and Contemporary works. Recital required. Prereqs.: MUSE-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-151, 152. Piano Minor. 2 crs. ea. Further expansion of technical work, including Bach WTC, Classical sonatas, Romantic and Modern works. Recital required. Prereqs.: MUSE-141, 142, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-153, 154. Vocal Accompanying. 2 crs. ea. Provides technical and practical experience in the art of accompanying. Prereqs: MUSE-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-157, 158. Piano Pedagogy. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in teaching piano at all levels, with lecture, discussion, and demonstration. Prereqs.: MUSE-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-171. Piano Literature. 2 crs. A survey of solo keyboard works, English Virginalists to Beethoven, performance, stylistic analysis. Prereqs.: MUSE-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-172. Piano Literature. 2 crs. A survey of solo keyboard works, Schubert to present, performance, stylistic analysis. Prereqs.: MUSE 131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-211, 212. Piano Major. 3 crs. ea. Scales and arpeggios (four octaves), Czerny Opus 299, Bach Two- and Three-Part Inventions; Haydn and Mozart sonatas, and Romantic works.

MUSE-221, 222. Piano Major. 3 crs. ea. Scales, Czerny, Cramer studies, Bach WTC, sonatas, and Romantic works. Qualifying Recital. Prereqs.: MUSE-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-231, 232. Piano Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of technical and repertory work, with a technical examination. Prereqs.: MUSE-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSE-241, 242. Piano Major. 3 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSE-231, 232. Public graduation recital required. Prereqs.: MUSE-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

Classical Voice Studies

MUSG 003. Voice Instruction. 1 cr. One on one private voice lessons for students pursuing the music minor in classical voice. A healthy technique is taught using standard art song, folk song and spiritual repertoire. Students are required to perform a final exam/jury at the end of each semester. May be repeated.  Prerequisites: Audition. Restricted: Music minors only 

MUSG 031. Voice Class for Instr Majors. 1 cr. A group voice class for music education majors intended to teach a healthy singing technique for the student and offer instruction on age-appropriate materials for K-12 singers. Repertoire studied includes standard art song, folk song, spiritual, and music theater repertoire.  Restricted: Music Education Majors only 

MUSG 111. Voice Minor I. 2 cr. One on one private voice lessons for the classical voice music major. A healthy technique is taught using standard art song, spiritual and oratorio literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music. Restricted: Music majors only 

MUSG 112. Voice Minor II. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music.  Restricted: Music majors only 

MUSG 121. Voice Minor III. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music.  Restricted: Music majors only 

MUSG 122. Voice Minor IV. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music.  Restricted: Music majors only 

MUSG 131. Voice Minor V. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music. Restricted: Music majors only 

MUSG 132. Voice Minor VI. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Therapy students study contemporary commercial music. Restricted: Music majors only. 

MUSG 141. Voice Minor VII. 2 cr. A continuation of private voice instruction for the classical voice music major. Students continue their study of healthy technique through standard art song, spiritual, oratorio and operatic literature. Music Education and Music Therapy students who plan to perform a Senior Recital register for this final semester of applied voice. Restricted: Music majors only. 

MUSG 142. Voice Minor VIII. 2 cr. This is the Senior Recital semester. Students prepare a 30-minute recital featuring repertoire of the Baroque, Classic, Romantic, 20th and 21st centuries, including art songs or operatic arias by African American Composers. Student register for MUTO 112. A jury may be required. ​

MUSG 155. Solo Vocal Literature. 3 crs. Spring semester only. A survey of art song literature written from 1800 to today. Emphasis is placed on traditional German Lieder, French melodie, and art songs with emphasis on music by Black American composers. Restricted: Music Majors only.

MUSG 156. Diction for Singers I. 3 crs. Fall semester only. Students learn clear and accurate articulation and pronunciation of English, Latin and Italian vocal literature using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Restricted to Music Majors only.

MUSG 157. Diction for Singers II. 2 crs. Spring semester only. Students learn clear and accurate articulation and pronunciation of French and German literature using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Restricted to Music Majors only. Prerequisite: MUSG 156

MUSG-171-174. Opera Ensemble Workshop. 1 cr. Repertoire, interpretation and performance of operatic chamber ensemble literature (trios, quartets, quintets , and larger). Prerequisites: must be enrolled in private voice study (major, minor) AND by consent of the instructor.

MUSG 211. Voice Major I. 3 crs. One-on-one private voice lessons for the classical voice Performance music major. A healthy technique is taught using standard art song, spiritual and oratorio literature in English, Latin and Italian. 3 - 5 selections are learned and presented at the final exam/jury. Restricted: BM Performance Voice majors only

MUSG 212. Voice Major II. 3 crs. One-on-one private voice lessons for the classical voice Performance music major. A healthy technique is taught using standard art song, spiritual and oratorio literature.  German and French literature may be added. Operatic arias may be added. 3 - 5 selections are learned and presented at the final exam/jury. Students must perform on Student Recital. Restricted to BM Performance Voice majors

MUSG 221. Voice Major III. 3crs. Continuation of one-on-one private lessons for the classical voice Performance music major. All major languages are studied. 4 - 6 selections are learned and presented at the final exam/jury. Students must perform on Student Recital. Restricted to BM Performance Voice majors

MUSG 222. Voice Major IV. 3 crs. Continuation of one-on-one private lessons for the classical voice Performance music major. All major languages are studied. 4 - 6 selections are learned and presented at the final exam/jury. Students must perform on Student Recital. Restricted to BM Performance Voice majors.

MUSG 231 Voice Major V. 3 crs. Continuation of one-on-one private lessons for the classical voice Performance music major. All major languages are studied. 5 - 7 selections are learned and presented at the final exam/jury. Students must perform on Student Recital. Restricted to BM Performance Voice majors.

MUSG 232 Voice Major VI. 3 crs. This is the Junior Recital/Qualifying Recital semester. Students prepare a 30-minute recital featuring repertoire of the Baroque, Classic, Romantic, 20th and 21st centuries, including art songs or operatic arias by African American Composers. Student register for MUTO 111. A jury may be required. 

MUSG 241 Voice Major VII. 3 crs. Students continue their study of healthy vocal technique learning 7 - 9 selections in all studied languages. Students prepare for Graduate School and YAP auditions. A jury is required. 

MUSG 242 Voice Major VIII. 3 crs. This is the Senior Recital/Qualifying Recital Semester. Students prepare a 60-minute recital featuring repertoire of the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th and 21st centuries, including art songs and arias by African American Composers. Students register for MUTO 112. A jury may be required. 

MUSG 255. Voice Pedagogy. 3 crs. Fall semester only. An introduction to anatomy and teaching philosophies for musicians. Restricted to Music Majors only. Required for BM Performance and Music Education majors. 


Brass Ensemble
Concert Band
Flute Ensemble
Guitar Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Vocal Workshop

Marching Band
Opera Ensemble Workshop
Piano Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble
Saxophone Ensemble
Trombone Ensemble
University Choir
University Chorale
Woodwind Ensemble

MUTE-111, 112. Brass Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs contemporary and standard brass music, with emphasis given to sight reading, interpretation, and musicianship.

MUTE-121, 122. Brass Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTE-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTE-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTE-131, 132. Brass Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTE-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTE-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTE-141, 142. Brass Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTE-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTE-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTH-111, 112. Concert Band I and II. 1 cr. ea. Includes the analytical study and stylistic performance of the literature for conducted wind ensembles of all sizes.

MUTH-121, 122. Concert Band III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTH-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTH-131, 132. Concert Band V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTH-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTH-141, 142. Concert Band VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTH-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTC-201, 202. Flute Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Composing, arranging, sight-reading, and performing guitar ensemble music. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

MUTC-203, 204. Flute Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-201, 202. Prerequisite: MUTC-201, 202 or consent of instructor.

MUTC-205, 206. Flute Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-203, 204. Prereqs.: MUTC-203, 204 or consent of instructor.

MUTC-207, 208. Flute Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-205, 206. Prereqs.: MUTC-205, 206 or consent of instructor.

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MUTF-111, 112. Guitar Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Composing, arranging, sight-reading, and performing guitar ensemble music. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

MUTF-121, 122. Guitar Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTF-111, 112. Prerequisite: MUTF-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUTF-131, 132. Guitar Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTF-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTF-121, 122 or consent of instructor.

MUTF-141, 142. Guitar Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTF-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTF- 131, 132 or consent of instructor.

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MUTI-011, 012. Jazz Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Deals with Big Band Jazz; composing, arranging, performing, and recordings. Prereqs.: consent of instructor. Auditions required.

MUTI-021, 022. Jazz Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTI-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUTI-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUTI-031, 032. Jazz Ensemble. V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTI-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUTI-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUTI-041, 042. Jazz Ensemble. VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTI-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUTI-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUTI-111, 112. Jazztet I and II. 1 cr. Small ensemble and experimental projects in jazz performance. Prereqs.: consent of instructor. Auditions required.

MUTI-121, 122. Jazztet III and IV. 1 cr. Continuation of MUTI-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTI-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTI-131, 132. Jazztet V and VI. 1 cr. Continuation of MUTI-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTI-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTI-141, 142. Jazztet VII and VIII. 1 cr. Continuation of MUTI-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTI-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTV-111, 112. Jazz Vocal Workshop I-II. 1 cr. ea. Development of jazz solo and group performance skills, including improvisation, sight reading, repertoire and contemporary vocal technique. Prereqs.: consent of instructor. Auditions required.

MUTV-121, 122. Jazz Vocal Workshop III-IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSH-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTV-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTV-131, 132. Jazz Vocal Workshop V-VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSH-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTV-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTV-141, 142. Jazz Vocal Workshop VII-VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSH-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTV-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTH-011, 012. Marching Band. I and II. 1 cr. ea. Performance of music for athletic contests and half-time shows at football games, various parades, pep rallies, etc. Membership open to all Howard University students.

MUTH-021, 022. Marching Band III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUTH-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUTH-031, 032. Marching Band V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUTH-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUTH-041, 042. Marching Band VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTH-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUTH-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUSG-171-174. Opera Ensemble Workshop. 1 cr. Repertoire, interpretation and performance of operatic chamber ensemble literature (trios, quartets, quintets, and larger). Prereqs.: must be enrolled in private voice study (major, minor) AND by consent of the instructor.

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MUTJ-011, 012. Orchestra I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of chamber orchestra literature. Prereqs.: consent of instructor. Auditions required.

MUTJ-021, 022. Orchestra III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTJ-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUTJ-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUTJ-031, 032. Orchestra V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTJ-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUTJ-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUTJ-041, 042. Orchestra VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTJ-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUTJ-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUSX-011, 012. Percussion Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Consists of reading and performance of literature for percussion.

MUSX-021, 022. Percussion Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSX-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUSX-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUSX-031, 032. Percussion Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSX-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUSX-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUSX-041, 042. Percussion Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSX-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUSX-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUSZ-111, 112. Piano Trio I and II. 1 cr. ea. Includes chamber music for piano and other instruments.

MUSZ-121, 122. Piano Trio III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSZ-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSZ-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSZ-131, 132. Piano Trio V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSZ-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSZ-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSZ-141, 142. Piano Trio VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSZ- of 131, 132. Prereqs.: MUSZ-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSZ-211, 212. Chamber Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Chamber music playing for applied music majors.

MUSZ-221, 222. Chamber Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Advanced chamber music playing for applied music majors. Prereqs.: MUSZ-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

448-111, 112. Accompanying for Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Provides experience in preparation and public performance as an accompanist for varied ensembles.

448-121, 122. Accompanying for Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of 448-111, 112.

448-131, 132. Accompanying for Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of 448-121, 122. Prereqs.: 448-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

448-141, 142. Accompanying for Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of 448-131, 132. Prereqs.: 448-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTD-111, 112. Saxophone Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs contemporary literature for the saxophone, including transcribed literature.

MUTD-121, 122. Saxophone Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTD-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTD-131, 132. Saxophone Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTD-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTD-141, 142. Saxophone Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTD-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTD-111, 112. Trombone Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs traditional and contemporary literature for the trombone choir.

MUTD-121, 122. Trombone Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTD-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTD-131, 132. Trombone Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTD-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTD-141, 142. Trombone Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTD-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTD-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

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MUTL-011, 012. University Choir I and II. 1 cr. ea. Performing vocal ensemble open to all Howard University students. Auditions and appropriate concert and service attire required.

MUTL-021, 022. University Choir III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTL-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUTL-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUTL-031, 032. University Choir V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTL-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUTL-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUTL-041, 042. University Choir VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTL-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUTL-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUTM-011, 012. University Chorale I and II. 1 cr. ea. Consists of a predominantly a capella group, that performs more difficult literature. Audition required.

MUTM-021, 022. University Chorale III and IV 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTM-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUTM-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUTM-031, 032. University Chorale V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTM-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUTM-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUTM-041, 042. University Chorale VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTM-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUTM-031, 032, or consent of instructor.

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MUTC-111, 112. Woodwind Ensemble. I and II 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of woodwind literature.

MUTC-121, 122. Woodwind Ensemble III and IV. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTC-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTC-131, 132. Woodwind Ensemble V and VI. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTC-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTC-141, 142. Woodwind Ensemble VII and VIII. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUTC-131, 132. Prereqs.: MUTC-141, 142, or consent of instructor.

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MUTO-011. Student Recital I. 0 cr. Performances by students which afford them the opportunity to perform before their peers and others; exposes students to a large variety of musical literature.

MUTO-012. Student Recital II. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-011.

MUTO-021. Student Recital III. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-012.

MUTO-022. Student Recital IV. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-021.

MUTO-031. Student Recital V. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-022.

MUTO-032. Student Recital VI. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-031.

MUTO-041. Student Recital VII. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-032.

MUTO-042. Student Recital VIII. 0 cr. Continuation of MUTO-041.

MUTO-111 Qualifying Recital. 0 cr. Required in Sophomore / Junior year for BM in Performance Majors.

MUTO-112 Senior Recital. 0 cr. Required in Senior year for Music Majors.

Graduate Course Offerings

Jazz Studies (MUSH-, MUSI-)

MUSH-392. Improvisation (Grad). 3 crs. Exploration of advanced improvisational techniques in the jazz idiom. Fall/ Spring

MUSI-210. Jazz History (Grad). 3crs. Study of the history, sociology, culture and development of jazz from its African origins to the present and beyond. Fall/Spring.

MUSI-232. Introduction to Entertainment Law (Grad). 3 crs. An introductory course for all artists which explores contracts, torts, agency, labor relations, copyrights and communications. Fall.

MUSI-250. Pedagogy of Improvisation (Grad). 3 crs. Survey of jazz instructional materials and methods. Fall.

MUSI-259. Administration of College Jazz Studies. 3 crs. Course exploring design of higher education jazz studies curricula. Fall/ Spring.

MUSI-260, 262. Independent Study Jazz (Grad). 3 crs. Course allowing for advanced, directed research in Jazz music. Requires consent of the instructor. Fall/ Spring.

MUSI-265. Jazz Composition. 3 crs. Techniques and methods of jazz composition and development. Fall.

MUSI-376. Music Technology (Grad). 3 crs. Study of concepts in modern electronic music production, including acoustics, power, devices, MIDI, storage, software, and computers. Lab; includes independent study projects using technology. Consent of the instructor required. Spring.

MUSI-383. Jazz Arranging (Grad). 3 crs. Exploration and analysis of representative big band jazz arrangements, demonstrating intermediate and advanced techniques of instrumental arranging. Requires consent of the instructor.

MUSI-434. Vocal Arranging (Grad). 3 crs. Requires consent of the instructor.

MUSW-305 through 308. Drum Set I-IV (Grad). 3 crs. ea. Instruction of advanced jazz drum set technique and idiomatic playing. Audition required.

MUTV-311 through 322. Jazz Vocal Workshop I-IV (Grad). 1 cr. ea. Development of jazz solo and group performance skills, including improvisation, sight reading, repertoire and contemporary vocal technique.

MUTW-311 through 322. Voice for Jazz Studies I-IV (Grad). 3 crs ea. Advanced techniques of breathing, tone development, and vocal styles as they relate to the jazz idiom; development of the standard jazz repertoire. Audition required.

MUTX-311 through 322. Jazz Piano I-IV (Grad). 3 crs. ea. Comprehensive course for advanced jazz pianists encompassing varied jazz styles and techniques. Audition required.

MUTZ-311 through 322. Jazz Bass I-IV (Grad). 3 crs. ea. Instruction of advanced jazz bass technique and idiomatic playing. Audition required.

Music Education


Music History, Literature & Materials (MUSC)

MUSC-008. African and Afro-American Music Literature. 3 crs. Explores traditional African music and American music influenced by the African idiom. 

MUSC-009. Intro to Ethnomusicology. 3 crs.

MUSC-010. Music History I: Antiquity to 1680. 3 crs. Explores concepts, definitions, musical literature, trends, performance practices, and composers from antiquity to 1680.

MUSC-011. Music History II: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 3 crs. This course focuses on the study of symphony, chamber music, opera, and other forms from 1680 to 1880. It exposes students to core aesthetic concepts and musical repertoire from notated European and North American traditions.

MUSC-012. Music History III: The Twentieth Century. 3 crs. Analyzes styles, composers, and techniques from 1880 to the present.

MUSC-101. Music Literature of the Eighteenth Century. 3 crs. Examines changes from baroque to classical ideals, including the works of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-102. Music Literature of the Nineteenth Century. 3 crs. Study of romanticism, beginning with the mature Beethoven. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-103. The Symphony. 3 crs. Presents the origins and development of the symphony and related forms, including an intensive study of scores. Prerequisite: MUSC-007.

MUSC-104. Chamber Music. 3 crs. Deals with string quartet literature and its antecedents, along with other chamber music forms from Haydn to Bartok. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-105. Choral Music. 3 crs. Treats the emergence and growth of choral music and such related forms as the chanson and madrigal, with emphasis on the Afro-American contribution. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-106. Dramatic Music. 3 crs. Covers such dramatic forms in music as the cantata, passion, oratorio, opera, and musical theater. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-125. Introduction to African Music. 3 crs. Presents African life and culture with music as a focal point. No previous music training required.

MUSC-155. Style Criteria. 3 crs. Examines styles, composition techniques, and performance standards of Western music from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-156. Music Literature of the Twentieth Century. 3 crs. Treats techniques and trends from 1900 to the present, with special lectures and demonstrations by Composition faculty members. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-204. Chamber Music. 3 crs. Deals with string quartet literature and its antecedents, along with other chamber music forms from Haydn to Bartok. (Graduate).

MUSC-207. Individual Research. 3 crs. Directed by a member of the faculty. Students may receive credit for this course twice. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member.

MUSC-221, 222. Vocal Literature. 3 crs. ea. Study of music for solo voice from its beginnings to present, with consideration of literature for the voice teacher. Prerequisite: MUSC-008.

MUSC-307. Individual Research in Music Literature. 3 crs. Directed by a member of the faculty. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member.

Instrumental Studies (MUSx-, MUTx-, 435-)

MUSL-100. Violin Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSL-111, 112. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves, solo repertoire comparable to Kreutzer's 42 Etudes, Sevcik's Opus 9, and concerti by Seitz and Accolay.

MUSL-121, 122. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in scales and arpeggios continued from MUSL-111, 112, and etudes, compositions, concerti, and sonatas. Prereqs.: MUSL-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-131, 132. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-122. Prereqs.: MUSL-MUSP, consent of instructor.

MUSL-141, 142. Violin Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-132, including preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSL-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-211, 212. Violin Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, bow technique and suitable studies and compositions from early and contemporary areas.

MUSL-221, 222. Violin Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSL-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSL-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-231, 232. Violin Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes techniques, etudes, sonatas, compositions, and concerti. Prereqs.: 221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSL-241, 242. Violin Major. 4 crs. ea. Consists of technique; review and continuation of previous material; study of etudes, sonatas, and concerti; and preparation of senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS, MUST, or consent of instructor.


MUSM-100. Violoncello Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music majors. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSM-111, 112. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of all major and minor scales and arpeggios in two octaves with various bowings; studies by Lee, Schroeder, Greutzmacher, and Alexanian; and Hindemith's Three Easy Pieces.

MUSM-121, 122. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSM-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-131, 132. Violoncello Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSM-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-141, 142. Violoncello Minor. 2 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSM-131, 132, along with preparation of senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-211, 212. Violoncello Major. 4 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios in three octaves; studies by Schroeder, Popper, Dotzauer, and Klengel; and suitable compositions from string literature.

MUSM-221, 222. Violoncello Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-211, 212. Qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-231, 232. Violoncello Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSM-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSM-241, 242. Violoncello Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSM-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSM-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUSN-100. String Bass Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSN-111, 112. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Covers Simandle's Book 1; Marcello's Sonata in D Minor; The Progressive Bowing Variations; The Melodious Bass; Bowing Variations; and three Beethoven symphonies.

MUSN-121, 122. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes Bille Nos. 263 and 264, Nanny Vingt Quartre Pieces, and orchestra studies. Prereqs.: MUSN-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-131, 132. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Treats Bille Nos. 262 and 303, Handel's Sonata in G Minor, orchestra studies, and Galliard's Sonata in F Major. Prereqs.: MUSN-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-141, 142. String Bass Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in Bille No. 303; Nanny's Kreutzer Etudes; Koussevitzky's Chanson Triste and Valse Miniature, orchestra studies, and recital preparation. Prereqs.: MUSN-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-211, 212. String Bass Major. 4 crs. ea. Deals with major and minor scales and arpeggios, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSN-221, 222. String Bass Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-211, and 212. Prereqs.: MUSN-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSN 231, 232. String Bass Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSN-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSN-241, 242. String Bass Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSN-231, 232. Prereqs.: MUSN-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

MUSO-100. Guitar Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSO-105. Non-Major Guitar Class. 1 cr. ea. Group instruction for non-music majors in music fundamentals, basic playing techniques, and repertoire of popular and classical music. Prerequisite: Student must supply own guitar.

MUSO-111, 112. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Open position major and minor scales, arpeggi, and chords; slurs and left hand development exercises; etudes and solos in various styles.

MUSO-121, 122. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-111, 112 with moveable altered scales, arpeggi, and chord forms. Prereqs.: MUSO-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-131, 132. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSO-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSO-141, 142. Guitar Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-131, 132 with preparation for graduating recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-131, 132 or permission of instructor.

MUSO-211, 212. Guitar Major. 4 crs. ea. Scales, arpeggios, and chord forms; slurs and left hand development exercises; etudes and solos in various styles.

MUSO-221, 222. Guitar Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-211, 212 with addition of ensemble works utilizing accompaniment techniques and preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-231, 232. Guitar Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-221, 222 with addition of mixed ensemble works in which guitar is featured. Prereqs.: MUSO-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUSO-241, 242. Guitar Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSO-231, 232 with addition of a guitar concerto and preparation for the senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSO-231, 232 or consent of instructor.


MUSP-100. Flute Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSP-111, 112. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes all minor and major scales and arpeggios, along with suitable studies and solos.

MUSP-121, 122. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation MUSP-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSP-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-131, 132. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-121, 122, with more advanced studies and solos. Prereqs.: MUSP-121, 122 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-141, 142. Flute Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-131, 132, with preparation for graduating recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-131, 132 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-211, 212. Flute Major. 4 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggios, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSP-221, 222. Flute Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-211, 212. Preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-231, 232. Flute Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSP-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUSP-241, 242. Flute Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSP-231, 232 with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSP-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUSQ-100. Saxophone Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSQ-111, 112. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSQ-121, 122. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSQ-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-131, 132. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSQ-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-141, 142. Saxophone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-211, 212. Saxophone Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSQ-221, 222. Saxophone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-231, 232. Saxophone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSQ-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSQ-241, 242. Saxophone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSQ-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSQ-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUSS-100. Trumpet Instruction 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUSS-111, 112. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSS-121, 122. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSS-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-131, 132. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSS-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-141, 142. Trumpet Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-211, 212. Trumpet Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSS-221, 222. Trumpet Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUSS-231, 232. Trumpet Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSS-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSS-241, 242. Trumpet Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSS-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSS-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUST-100. French Horn Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUST-111, 112. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUST-121, 122. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUST-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUST-131, 132. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSS, 121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUST-141, 142. French Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUST-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUST-211, 212. French Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUST-221, 222. French Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUST-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUST-231, 232. French Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUST, 221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUST-241, 242. French Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUST-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUST-231, 232, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-100. Trombone Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

MUSU-111, 112. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSU-121, 122. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSU-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-131, 132. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSU-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-141, 142. Trombone Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSU-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-211, 212. Trombone Major. 4 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSU-221, 222. Trombone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-211, 221. Prereqs.: MUSU-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-231, 232. Trombone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSU-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSU-241, 242. Trombone Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSU-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSU-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUSV-111, 112. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major.

MUSV-100. Tuba Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSV-121, 122. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSV-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-131, 132. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSV-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-141, 142. Tuba Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-211, 212. Tuba Major. 4 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSV-221, 222. Tuba Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-231, 232. Tuba Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-221, 222. Prerequisite: MUSV-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSV-241, 242. Tuba Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSV-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSV-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


435-100. Baritone Horn Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

435-111, 112. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

435-121, 122. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-111, 112. Prereqs.: 435-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

435-131, 132. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-121, 122. Prereqs.: 435-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

435-141, 142. Baritone Horn Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: 435-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

435-211, 212. Baritone Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

435-221, 222. Baritone Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: 435-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

435-231, 232. Baritone Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-221, 222. Prereqs.: 435-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

435-241, 242. Baritone Horn Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of 435-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: 435-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUSW-100. Percussion Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required.

MUSW-111, 112. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSW-121, 122. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUSW-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-131, 132. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUSW-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-141, 142. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-151, 152. Percussion Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-141, 142. Prereqs.: MUSW-141, 142 or consent of instructor.

MUSW-211, 212. Percussion Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUSW-221, 222. Percussion Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-231, 232. Percussion Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUSW-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUSW-241, 242. Percussion Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUSW-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUSW-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUTQ-100. Viola Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTQ-111, 112. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Study of scales and arpeggios in two octaves; etudes, sonatas, and concerti; and solo repertoire of the difficulty comparable to Masas' Opus 36 Etudes and Eccles' Sonata in G Minor.

MUTQ-121, 122. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Includes scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, and development of bow techniques. Prereqs.: MUTQ-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-131, 132. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of technical studies with classical solo compositions. Prereqs.: MUTQ-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-141, 142. Viola Minor. 2 crs. ea. Study of scales and broken chords in three octaves through the seventh position, technical studies, etudes, and preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTQ-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-211, 212. Viola Major. 4 crs. ea. Instruction in technical studies, etudes, sonatas, and solo repertoire.

MUTQ-221, 222. Viola Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes technical studies, scales, arpeggios, double-stopping, and development of bow technique; suitable studies and compositions from early and contemporary eras; and preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTQ-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-231, 232. Viola Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTQ-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTQ-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUTQ-241, 242. Viola Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTQ-231, 232. Prereqs.: MUTQ-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUTR-100. Harp Instruction. Private lessons for non-music majors. 1 cr. Permission of coordinator/instructor.

MUTR-111, 112. Harp Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios, tonal production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTR-121, 122. Harp Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTR-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTR-111, 121, or consent of instructor.

MUTR-131, 135. Harp Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTR-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTR-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTR-141, 142. Harp Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTR-131, 132. Preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTR-131, 132, or consent of instructor.


[Minor and first two years of clarinet study?]

MUTS-231, 232. Clarinet Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTS-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTS-221, 222 or consent of instructor.

MUTS-241, 242. Clarinet Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTS-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTS-231, 232.


MUTT-100. Bassoon Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTT-111, 112. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTT-121, 122. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTT-111, 112, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-131, 132. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTT-121, 122, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-141, 142. Bassoon Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-131, 132, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-211, 212. Bassoon Major. 4 crs. ea. Instruction in major and minor scales and arpeggi, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTT-221, 222. Bassoon Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-211, 212, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-231, 232. Bassoon Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTT-221, 222, or consent of instructor.

MUTT-241, 242. Bassoon Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTT-231, 232, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTT-231, 232, or consent of instructor.


MUTU-100. Oboe Instruction. 1 cr. Private lessons to non-music major. Permission of coordinator/instructor required. Course can be repeated.

MUTU-111, 112. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Consists of major and minor scales and arpeggios, tone production, and etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTU-121, 122. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-111, 112. Prereqs.: MUTU-111, 112 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-131, 132. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-121, 122. Prereqs.: MUTU-121, 122 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-141, 142. Oboe Minor. 2 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-131, 132, with preparation for senior recital. Prereqs.: MUTU-131, 132 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-211, 212. Oboe Major. 4 crs. ea. Includes major and minor scales and arpeggios, along with etudes and solos in all styles.

MUTU-221, 222. Oboe Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-211, 212, with preparation for qualifying recital. Prereqs.: MUTU-211, 212 or consent of instructor.

MUTU-231, 232. Oboe Major. 4 crs. ea. Continuation of MUTU-221, 222. Prereqs.: MUTU-221, 222 or consent of instructor.


MUSK-011, 012. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Teaches basic skills of instrument repair.

MUSK-021, 022. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-011, 012. Prereqs.: MUSK-011, 012, or consent of instructor.

MUSK-031, 032. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-021, 022. Prereqs.: MUSK-021, 022, or consent of instructor.

MUSK-041, 042. Instrument Repair. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-031, 032. Prereqs.: MUSK-031, 032, or consent of instructor.


MUSK-111, 112. Piano Technology: Lecture and Practicum. 1 cr. ea. Analysis of the acoustical construction of the piano and mechanical functions, with concentration on maintenance and repair. Prerequisite: Junior classification.

MUSK-121, 122. Piano Technology: Lecture and Practicum. 1 cr. ea. Continuation of MUSK-111, 112. Prerequisite: MUSK-112.

Classical Piano Studies

Classical Voice Studies

MUSG-255. Graduate Vocal Pedagogy. 3 crs. Includes voice anatomy and practical application, vocal defects and corrections, teaching material, observation, practice teaching and survey of proper diction application. Fall semester only.

Ensembles (MUSx, MUTx)

MUTE-111, 112. Brass Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs contemporary and standard brass music, with emphasis given to sight reading, interpretation, and musicianship.

MUTH-301-304. Concert Band I-IV (Grad). 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of wind ensemble literature with additional graduate level assignments. Audition required.

MUTC-311-314. Flute Ensemble I-IV (Grad). 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of flute literature with additional graduate level assignments.

MUTF-111, 112. Guitar Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Composing, arranging, sight-reading, and performing guitar ensemble music. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

MUTI-311-314. Jazz Ensemble I-IV Grad. 1 cr. ea. Deals with Big Band Jazz; composing, arranging, performing, and recordings, with additional graduate level assignments.. Auditions required.

MUTI-211, 214. Jazztet I-IV Grad. 1 cr. ea. Small jazz ensemble and experimental projects in jazz performance with additional graduate level assignments. Auditions required.

MUSH-151, 152. Jazz Vocal Workshop I-II. 1 cr. ea. Development of jazz solo and group performance skills, including improvisation, sight reading, repertoire and contemporary vocal technique. Prereqs.: consent of instructor. Auditions required.

MUTH-011, 012. Marching Band. I and II. 1 cr. ea. Performance of music for athletic contests and half-time shows at football games, various parades, pep rallies, etc. Membership open to all Howard University students.

MUSG 371 - 01. Opera Ensemble Workshop Grad. 1 cr. Repertoire, interpretation and performance of operatic chamber ensemble literature (trios, quartets, quintets, and larger). Prereqs.: must be enrolled in private voice study (major, minor) AND by consent of the instructor.

MUTJ-201, 204. Orchestra I-IV Grad. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of chamber orchestra literature with additional graduatel level assignments.

MUSX-011, 012. Percussion Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Consists of reading and performance of literature for percussion.


MUTD-201, 204. Saxophone Ensemble I-IV Grad. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs contemporary literature for the saxophone, including transcribed literature and other graduate level assignments.

MUTD-111, 112. Trombone Ensemble I and II. 1 cr. ea. Ensemble that performs traditional and contemporary literature for the trombone choir.

MUTL-011, 012. University Choir I and II. 1 cr. ea. Performing vocal ensemble open to all Howard University students. Auditions and appropriate concert and service attire required.

MUTM-011, 012. University Chorale I and II. 1 cr. ea. Consists of a predominantly a capella group, that performs more difficult literature. Audition required.

MUTC-301-304. Woodwind Ensemble I-IV (Grad). 1 cr. ea. Ensemble for the study and performance of woodwind literature with additional graduate level assignments.

Examinations (MUSC-)

MUSC-311. Graduate Expository Writing Examination. 1 cr. Required entrance examination for all MM candidates.

MUSC-312. Oral Comprehensive Examination. 1 cr. Required final examination for all MM candidates.

Recitals (MUTO-)

MUTO-311. Graduate Qualifying Recital. 0 cr. Required by the end of the first two semesters for M.M. Performance and M.M. Jazz Studies candidates.

MUTO-312. Graduate Recital. 0 cr. Required for all graduating M.M. Performance and M.M. Jazz Studies candidates and M.M. Music Education Recital Option candidates.

Research (MUSC-, MUSI-)

MUSC-300. Graduate Seminar. 3 crs. Required of all graduate level music majors. Course designed to cultivate research skills and explore cultural and research resources in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Fall.

MUSI-210. Jazz History (Grad). 3crs. Study of the history, sociology, culture and development of jazz from its African origins to the present and beyond. Spring.

MUSI-260-262. Independent Study Jazz (Grad). 3 crs. Course allowing for advanced, directed research in Jazz music. Fall/ Spring. Requires consent of the instructor.