Private Lessons for Students Enrolled Outside the Department of Music

Registration for private instruction in music performance (vocal or instrumental) by students enrolled in degree programs other than those offered by the Department of Music requires the approval of the Dean of the Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts. Such approval will be granted only after the student has been interviewed and/or auditioned, and only when space in private performance classes permits. These courses are listed as Oboe Major I, Voice Minor III, etc.

Fees.  There may be additional fees assessed for non-majors receiving private one-on-one instruction in music performance.

Majors in the School of Education who enroll in the courses "An Introduction to the Fine Arts" and "Fine Arts in the Elementary Schools" will be required to study the piano if they do not already possess minimal skills as determined by the instructor. Such instruction will be provided as a part of the course and no additional charges will accrue.

Practice Rooms.  Practice rooms are provided by the Department of Music only for music majors, music minors, other students of the Department/College, and musical theatre majors, including those enrolled in private instruction and members of listed ensembles. Students enrolled in private or group lessons are expected to practice daily.